Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My first 'A'

I got an 'A' in moral!! hahahaha..i know u would probably think "What's the big deal?" but it meant a great deal to me since i haven't got any 'A's at all for the past two semesters. And moral education in college is nothing, i repeat, NOTHING like the moral studies we had in secondary school and it's not as easy as you might think it is.
Its very interesting if you like those sociology, philosophy or antropology kinda stuff because u'll be learning many theories of morality from different philosophers and it actually helps in the sense of finding out what your stand is in different circumstances.
For example, there are questions which will get you to think such as "Do you think humans are naturally good or bad?" or "Do you support capital punishment? Why?". So yeah, too bad i'm not taking those stuff, social science. I think I would have done well in that field...

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